Subscription Includes:
Emulate Consoles on your iOS Device
*7-day Free Trial period, then $19.99 per month
About Free Trial
Access to more than
Emulation of
21 Retro games
35+ consoles

You will receive and activate a sideloading profile to install applications outside the official App Store.
After 7-days
Your subscription will start and you will be charged.
Cancel at any time.
25,000 games
Profile activation takes from 1 to 84 hours, at the end of the procedure you will receive a notification and will be able to download applications from
After Processing
What is Sideloading?
Sideloading means downloading apps which are not available on the official App Store. Unlike jailbreaking, it doesn't require any modifications to your iOS device.
Using to get apps is easy and doesn’t impose any risk on your device or personal data.
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